Is Lobbying Good?


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<a href="">Doctors' group spends most on health lobbying</a>

<blockquote>The country's largest doctors' group and one of the nation's biggest pharmaceutical companies reported spending more money than other health care organizations on lobbying in the second quarter of this year.


Isn't this to be expected? We are finally debating how to reform our healthcare system. Shouldn't those most effected by the legislation be presenting their views to legislators?

I think our current political system with lobbyists who are paid experts in certain fields is a good thing.
It's hard to say that this is a good thing when they are actually paying homeless people to stand in their place in line. What kind of broken system do we have when standing in line and paying money to people to do it has become a requirement for having your ideas heard? Something is seriously wrong, not just with healthcare but with the way the entire system has evolved.
I'm biased because many in my family are lobbyists. I will say that certain things I observed as a child lead me to believe my family was a legalized version of the mafia. Lobbyists have great power especially in CA. Unfortunately, that power can be used to do great things but many are tempted by the dark side of power.
True, lobbying has a negative connotation, but it has turned into a convenient system to organize lawmaker's priorities. The only thing is that these priorities often differ from the "public good"