I have a question about Independents vs. Libertarians..


New member
I've noticed over the past 10 years or so that most people who don't register as a Democrat or a Republican register as Independents. Why? Because if Ross Perot was any indicator as to what that party represents, then I really don't understand why anyone would choose that party. Please note that I was registered as an Independent until Ross Perot. I was in my late 20's then with most of my ideals still intact. After him, I switched to the Libertarian Party.

I do not hold <strong>any</strong> politicians to a very high regard, I think that if their lips are moving chances are they are lying. And that its a life you're born into rather than one where you feel a civic duty, or have ideals you'd genuinely like to be realized.

I wonder sometimes if people registered as Independents just like the word Independent better than Democrat or Republican or Libertarian. Because most of the time when you ask an Independent what it means to be one they look at you blankly and say "Its better than Democrat or Republican" which is really no answer at all.
[quote author="GraceOMalley" date=1251531864]I've noticed over the past 10 years or so that most people who don't register as a Democrat or a Republican register as Independents. Why? Because if Ross Perot was any indicator as to what that party represents, then I really don't understand why anyone would choose that party. Please note that I was registered as an Independent until Ross Perot. I was in my late 20's then with most of my ideals still intact. After him, I switched to the Libertarian Party.

I do not hold <strong>any</strong> politicians to a very high regard, I think that if their lips are moving chances are they are lying. And that its a life you're born into rather than one where you feel a civic duty, or have ideals you'd genuinely like to be realized.

I wonder sometimes if people registered as Independents just like the word Independent better than Democrat or Republican or Libertarian. Because most of the time when you ask an Independent what it means to be one they look at you blankly and say "Its better than Democrat or Republican" which is really no answer at all.</blockquote>
Why? Because I can't stand neither the Democratic or Republican party. I like talking a middle ground.
Is the rise of independents the result of what is basically a two party system which doesn't really represent the vast majority of the people? Those who are true democrats and true republicans seem to be in the minority whereas everybody else is stuck with voting for the lesser of two evils.
I'm a decline to state voter for many reasons, including the following:

1. I have liberal views and conservative views. Overall, I'm a moderate.

2. While there are members of Congress on the far left and far right, there are many moderates who fall somewhere in the middle. Party politics generally inhibits meaningful progress.

3. I covered the 2000 presidential election and the 106th Congress as an intern journalist, I was less than impressed with both parties and my opinion hasn't changed.

4. I'm completely baffled by Americans who align themselves with a party and vote along party lines without researching the issues and shaping their own opinions/views. It's groupthink at its worst and a consequence of our two-party system.

Note that if you are registered to vote in CA, the so-called "Independent" party on CA ballots is a party for nutters. To truly be an independent voter in CA, you must be a "decline to state" voter.

Edit: I forgot to address the Libertarian aspect of your post. I hold some Libertarian views (i.e., the protection of civil liberties). However, to completely embrace Libertarianism is too extreme for me.