George W. Bush 2000-2008 History will not be kind


New member
I think he will go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever.

-So many misguided (or pre-planed) Bad Ideas.

-Us policy makes the Govt so Disliked around the world.

It this whole thing (wall street just a big pre-planned power grab?)

Just rememer 1 important thing the Bush Family is in the oil business.

You think so? :smirk:

Anyway, yes, I agree with you. So many people like to say, "Well, Bush was just unlucky and was in the wrong place at the wrong time." lol.

I guess it would be too difficult to win the race for the best President ever when the worst President ever title was wide open. Might as well be known for something, huh? Infamous?

Excuse the snarkiness...
Rarely have so few (financially messed up) so many in such a short time. And their leader in neglect (it is hard for me to imagine that GWB (shrub) had the intellect to actively plan anything) certainly danced for the kingmakers as well as could be imagined.

Historical comparisons could be made, but the historical figures (Hoover) didn't have the benefit of the historical lessons that the Fed has used to modulate the system.
It's not very hard to dig up some serious dirt on Bush and Cheney if you try at all.

-Prescott Bush (GWB's grandfather) banker war profitier in cahoots with the Nazis.

-I cannot recall the source but i swear its true a very disportionate amount of all the national debt was created under the 2 bush's Like 75%.

-Dick Cheney- former Military Contracter. we are war what a shocker.

-Was it really a good Idea to give a huge Tax break to All the boomers while they were at there peak earning years. while simultaniusly running up the national debt?

Hopfully we will see the last of the bush family in politics.
Its almost over. GW will fade into history.

And I still remember all the conservatives wanting to

Impeach Billy for getting a BJ and fibbing.

Now their man hs given us HUGE deficits. Years of WAR.

and now a FAILED economy. And just a few weeks ago he was bragging

about how well we were doing without a recession.

The one good thing out of this appears to be that McSame

and Caribou Barbie have been put out in November.

I am just worried that the strange Election results of a couple states

will give McCain the election while the Popular Vote will be

large in Obama`s favor. It worked 8 years ago. Why not now ?
what is the drawback to a popular vote for elections? other countries do it?

-why not get rid of the electoral college?

-btw Hillary got popular vote over obama
[quote author="ventouxbob" date=1222307124]what is the drawback to a popular vote for elections? other countries do it?

-why not get rid of the electoral college?

-btw Hillary got popular vote over obama</blockquote>

And thus Obama, even today, has people nipping at his heels, questioning whether or not he is the 'legitimate' nominee of his party.

In the general election, most of the time (2000 and 2004 were exceptions), the electoral college helps to generate more of a 'landslide' for the winner, thus giving him/her a mandate to govern. The fact is that in each election, somebody needs to win, and somebody needs to lose. It is best if there is a clear winner. Otherwise, the victor can't get anything done. Although it certainly wasn't his only problem (far, far from it!) the fact that GWB was constantly hamstrung by the accusation that the election in 2000 was stolen, and his election was questioned, created difficulty in governing. Al Gore would have had a similar problem, if a few more hanging chad were counted, or there was one more Supreme Court Justice on his side. Somebody has to win, somebody has to lose, and we move on, in one direction or another.
There is one statistic that will support the thesis the President Bush was the worst president ever. He will set an unbeatable record for the greatest decline in popularity ratings by any president ever. He was over 80% after 9/11, and he is around 20% now. A 60% decline in his approval rating. Maybe public opinion doesn't matter, but when 60% of Americans change their minds and conclude you are doing a bad job, you must have made a few poor decisions along the way.