Electrical - Inspections with a fine tooth comb?


New member
<p>Speaking of reverse polarity (from the inspection thread), my rental has a circuit in the garage that passes an outlet tester with flying colors but four of the five outlets have no cajones. Pull any kind of significant load and the circuit suffers a severe voltage drop. I've been over the circuit with a fine-tooth comb (yanked breaker box cover and examined connections), swapped out the breaker, swapped out first outlet in the chain (and the only one in the chain that works properly) to no avail. It's probably time to start ripping out sheetrock.</p>

<p>Would an inspector catch this? </p>
<p>Here's another... Same rental, A/C plenum in the attic not firmly attached to the unit. Cold air blowing into the attic. Fixed it with duct tape.</p>

<p>Yes, I test outlets and I go into the attics of my rentals and find stuff wrong.</p>

<p>Would a typical inspector climb into the attic and catch this? </p>
I would venture not. My inspector didn't go into the attic, but he caught some things no one else did. And note: this was new construction. Anyone who tells you that you don't need an inspector for new construction is clueless.
I second Eva on the inspector not catching it and having one for new construction. If you can have them go out before it is completed too. I'm lucky my cousin is an inspector so if I wanted him to come out every week he would.