Can great park has entrances and exits at south and east sides?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
For now only at west, Sand Canyon, and at north, Irvine Blvd. Look like south has a railway and east has commercial buildings.
It's like those horribly designed plaza, except it's really a big one.
Is that possible to open at south and east sides?
Are you referring to the Great Park specifically or the Great Park Neighborhoods?

Currently, there are 2 entrances off of Sand Canyon and several off of Irvine Blvd. Marine Way is supposed to be expanded below the train tracks, but who knows when that will be. I'm also curious as to whether or not Astor will be a through street. That will drop you off near Alton and Irvine Blvd.
Are you referring to the Great Park specifically or the Great Park Neighborhoods?

Currently, there are 2 entrances off of Sand Canyon and several off of Irvine Blvd. Marine Way is supposed to be expanded below the train tracks, but who knows when that will be. I'm also curious as to whether or not Astor will be a through street. That will drop you off near Alton and Irvine Blvd.
I guess the overall great park, it's just 'cornered' by the east side commercial and south side railway.
City is thinking let Marine Way extend below(through) the train tracks? That's better than nothing. Marine way is pretty much finished construction from Alton to Bake though, looks nice and wide.
Would be better if they extend Marine Way through GP. But there is a train track.
What are they building on left and right of Marin Way between Alton and Bake?
Would be better if they extend Marine Way through GP. But there is a train track.
What are they building on left and right of Marin Way between Alton and Bake?
Marine way is supposed to link directly from the Fivepoint Amphiteater with a train track underpass like Sand Canyon and Jeffrey have and then also extend through Barranca to Bake.