Between Art and Architecture


New member
This home is featured on one of my favorite blog sites ( today, but I couldn't resist posting it here to get IHB comments. I don't really know what to say about this one...

<a href="">Between Art and Architecture</a>
It reminds me of the <a href="">9 Tsubo house</a>. Go <a href="">here,</a> and select the video "Compact Houses for Spacious Living."
Something in the description talks about being designed so that people living there would have "long lives"..... perhaps the "tot lot" look is really to keep the very old from falling and breaking a hip!
<em>A synthesis of architecture, art and science, this artistic statement in the form of a life-enhancing environment is a signature and culminating work of the world-renowned team Arakawa + Gins. Forty years of scientific and <strong>philosophical investigation</strong> into how best to sustain human life and how to use architecture to help people live exceedingly long lives has been put to good effect in this house like no other. It has at last ? for the first time in human history ? become possible to live entirely within a sculpture!</em>

I'd like to know how to become a philosophical investigator. It sounds like a cool job, but I wonder how much demand is out there for a philosophical investigator and how well it pays. By the sound of it, and by the description, you get paid big bucks to BS that a tot lot of a house seems like good idea and that you will live a long life. Seriously? You have to be on drugs to come up with this stuff.

I'd probably trip, hit my head on one of the poles, land on the stove and somehow turn it on, and burn the place down while I am knocked out.

Gawddaamnit! How many times do I have to tell you to pick up your stinkin shoes?