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  1. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    If you still have Thanksgiving bloat....

    A few over eating vids to suffer through.... The Python vid has many NSFW words so consider yourself pre-warned. Soylent Green Is People
  2. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    A gripe about defaulted homedebtors.

    Got an amazing call yesterday. Need a venting moment... "Legitimate buyer" referred from a Realtor rings me up. Person was upset, wondering why they were having trouble getting a loan. They had several past homes they paid off on time, but the last one was a short sale in August. The bank...
  3. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    Credit scores and modifications.

    I send out a weekly email to my agents that is a cull of better news stories. I saw this but did not see it elsewhere: From a WSJ article. Question: Why would something endorsed by the government trash my credit score? Many lenders and those in the credit-reporting industry have...
  4. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    Periodic Table Of Financial Bloggers.

    Dang, who does IHB have to %$*! to get noticed by these guys? Surprised to see IHB left off. Perhaps it's due to the snark factor in some of the posts. Did not see the good Dr. Housing Bubble either...
  5. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    Here's a story, of a mod gone badly....

    Tell me who the bad guy is here.... Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.
  6. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    How Realtors should advertise.

    Hope the link works. From my twitter feed If not, youtube "Painfully Honest and Epic Mobile Home Commercial". I can't see site from work, but you should be able to find it. Chainsaws and Cougars... what's not to like? Soylent Green Is People.
  7. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    REO - R.I.P?

    Our servicing department sent out a global email to the troops saying that their focus has turned from REO to Short Sale structuring as a way to mitigate losses. I'm guessing that other servicers are doing the same. The Treasury is now doling $$ incentives for SS completion to servicers and...
  8. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    FHA 3.5% down threatened.

    From Bloomberg, <a href=""></a> Frankly, it's a good start. It will cause significant price pressure and that's not a bad thing. My .02c Soylent...
  9. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    Any thoughts as to why...

    ....if there is some measure of bottoming in house prices, a leveling consumer confidence (+/- 3%), and a stronger stock market (up from March lows) why are mortgage rates re-approaching the panic lows of February? Most 30 fixed rates have hit 4.6% for reasonable fees. Why? What are...
  10. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    Here's some positive news....

    Sit back with a tall icy glassfull as you click below... <a href=""></a> Ohhh Yeahhhh! I don't often drink sugary drinks, but when I do I only drink Kool-Aid. Stay thirsty my friend, Soylent Green...
  11. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    Alternative to the First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit.

    This is a cut/paste from another board I often post on. It's food for thought if your a buyer or representing buyers. The $8k Federal FTHB tax credit is set to expire November 30th. I believe it will be extended, but that's for another discussion later. The County of Orange has it's own...
  12. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    Attention Irvine Towering Inferno buyers....

    A cautionary tale of high rise homeownership. From Drudge. My .02 Soylent Green Is People
  13. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    The 10 things your Real Estate Broker won't tell you.

    Although it's a slide show of info, a fun read. Wells Fargo Bank put out something like this a few years back and in 24 hrs issued a face to the ground genuflection to the 'tard community for questioning their business model. I wonder how soon the WSJ will take to do the same. <a...
  14. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    GW's 2009 forecast.... with refreshing non-Kool Aid content.

    Surprising, but the 2009 Gary Watt's forecast has some reality based reporting for once. This was given out recently to area Realtors. The best parts below: "The current increase in foreclosures is beginning to look very similar to what occurred in early 2007....." "Although the...
  15. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    Putting your local public servant to work....

    Sheesh... If I had Maxine Waters yapping on the line, I'd try to help the client just to get that nag off the phone..... "Can't refinance? Try your Congressman.. Anne Flaherty, Associated Press Writer Can't afford your mortgage payment? If the bank won't take your call, your member...
  16. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    FDIC in the news.

    C/O KANSAS CITY, Mo. ? An economist on leave from the federal agency that insures bank deposits has been charged with the April 11 attempted robbery of a Kansas City-area bank. Jeff Walser said he had a bomb in his briefcase and demanded money at the Bank of America branch in...
  17. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    National Day of Kool-Aid.

    How about picking an upcoming weekend and designating it as a "National Kool-Aid" Day. IHB minions go and visit what Open Houses appear to be WTF priced. Leave a packet of Kool-Aid somewhere in the house for either the seller or the Agent to find. You get to see some nice houses, albeit...
  18. Soylent Green Is People_IHB

    Your favorite 'Tard-speak nugget.

    Other than the usual "buy now before prices go up", what is your favorite 'Tard-speak" nugget of market knowledge? The more intense the kool-aid strength the better. Don't reference who said it, but try and share with the forum real time examples of what Agents are saying out there...