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    30 Senators who like Rape pillaging and Rape

    These old grumpy Republican men in the Senate need to be taken behind the wood shed and beaten. And now Republicans are stalling the extension of unemployment insurance twice while 7000 people ever day lose their long term benefits with no jobs and are losing their houses, cars and sending...

    500,000 Americans to lose unemployment benefits by Sept and 1.5 million by the end of the year

    So what happens in next year when everyone can not find a job other than Wal-mart or Fast Food runs out of benefits at about 500,00 a month. Why have i not heard anything on job incentives for employers to hire. Oh, sure there is the stimulus that is going to create jobs but unless you like to...

    9.4 million Americans on unemployment

    With high unemployment getting higher all the time and no new high paying jobs out there to be found let alone any full time jobs period what is going to happen to a lot of these folks when the unemployment runs out here in the next year. I know demand for welfare and food stamps are starting to...

    Restraunt death watch 2

    Opah's here in RSM has closed their doors:( Very sad as it was the best bar in town. The gossip on the street is the rents are too high and a lot of of businesses are closing their doors as the drop in business are sinking them. There are available commercial signs all over the city. Next to the...


    You know you are being lied too when the government has not admitted we are in a recession. I guess they will admit that once the elections are over. Silly Guberment, no one believes in you anymore.

    MTV is dead

    The MTV video awards is so out of touch with both generations. They are no longer relevant and i have finally concluded that they need to stop having an award ceremony as both MTV and the music business is dead.