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  1. B

    So what will you buy and how much will you spend when it's your time to buy???

    I'm aiming for 15-20 houses 1000-1800 square feet with a $6M budget.
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    Landesbanks' subprime exposure 80 bln euros

    FRANKFURT, Jan 26 (Reuters) - Four German state banks have a combined exposure of almost 80 billion euros ($117.2 billion) to risky assets and the state bank of Bavaria, BayernLB, could need an over 2 billion euro write-down, FOCUS magazine reported. Germany's Landesbanks are financial...
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    I dispute that there is 11.95 months of inventory I see in the OC. From bubbletracking: 11/30: 18,731 (1,567)___11/2006: 15,188 (2,867) That is not to say we will not see 29 months but we are not there currently.
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    Equal to or worse than Real Housewives of OC

    I'm sortof on another planet but I visited Hermes, Gucci, and LV last Sunday and all were nearly empty. I guess the asian gals here are going to be screaming for xmas. It's not 100% Gucci/LV/Chanel penetration in the asian community here but I would say at least 1/2 the handbags I see on asian...
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    Demystifying the GSE's Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

    Fannie Mae used to completely waste their implied government subsidy on lobbying programs to ACORN and other community groups and Democratic political activity. Now DC house prices can be marked downwards as all the stock options in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac become wallpaper. =3 I talked to...
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    From Bankrate: 30Y conforming: 11/16/2007: 5.699% APR 0 points with $8659 in fees or: 6.030% with $1264 in fees For 30Y jumbo: 6.755% with $410 in fees Pick your poison!
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    What is my house worth today?

    awgee should have taught her to sell beanie babies and buy gold!!! I can just imagine the conversation: D: "This beanie baby is worth $500!" A: "Beanie babies are only worth what someone is willing to pay for one" D: "This one sold for $650 on ebay!" A: "Beanie babies are a...
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    Ut roh: Could commercial RE be next?

    I could see Orange County being quite similar. Seeing 1/2 of the mortgage lender's space become vacant is entirely possible and just look at how many mortgage companies you see on buildings here. Then think of how many homebuilders and developers you see....
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    Time to buy? Depends on whom you ask (OC Register Article)

    I have a friend who brought suitcases of money to close his house. He paid $600,000 in $20s! He sold it for $800,000 and was complaining bitterly about how the buyer took out a 30 year mortgage and how he had to sit there while they signed documents. At the end of the day it's really a...
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    Should the Fed Have a Moral Compass?

    1) Federal Reserve lowers the fed funds rate to 1% and the Chinese and GCC (Persian Gulf) countries set their interest rates to negative real rates to maintain currency parity 2) US and British mortgage lenders are flooded with demand for AAA paper. 3) US and British homeowners are allowed...
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    IHB needs a resident bull on board

    Okay since I couldn't make this up this is an "actual" caller to a financial radio program I heard yesterday. My jaw was on the floor: Income: 2004 $700,000 2005 $400,000 2006 $100,000 2007 $30,000 Occupation: Realtor (husband) Stay at home Mom (wife) Number of...
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    IHB needs a resident bull on board

    This was a very strange bubble. I had two Southern California landlords: 1) 80+ years old. Purchased house for 350k in 1991. Cash out refied to 900k loan balance in 2005. She spent all of that money on get rich quick scams. Was losing somewhere on the order of $3k/month on cash flow...
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    Call the bottom

    I think there are definitely properties priced in the stratosphere. I saw a rental in Greenwich at $4500 a month that has a zillow in the $1,700,000-2,100,000 range. That property could fall in value by over $900,000 which I'm sure is chump change to a "master of the universe" but not to me...
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    Forgive me if I'm wrong but wouldn't you be able to convert your earnings as Gisele into euros, yen, or singapore dollars when you receive them? I don't know how supermodels are paid but even if they are paid 90 days after they perform their work the currency risk should be minimal and you...
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    Your Investment Portfolio

    I have a property management company collecting the rent and finding tenants. I pay the expenses directly and handle accounting on them. It is definitely an inexact science in picking a property management company. Just like in apartments some really rack up the expenses or let units sit...
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    Sky is Falling Part III

    if i recall correctly
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    Cry me a river. . ..

    There were some crazy people out there. Amongst my friends: 1) Has deposits against 50 condominium units in Vancouver. She is planning to flip them to speculators. 2) Has 45 houses in Vegas in the same subdivision bought new from Pulte. He is currently renting them out at negative...
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    Your Investment Portfolio

    80 acres of Riverside County dirt 75 acres of Denver Dirt 57,500 square feet of Florida Office Space 17 houses $1,300,000 in Asian Equities $1,100,000 in US Equities $300,000 of European Equities $500,000 in Canadian Equities
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    Presidential Candidate Thread: Is Ron Paul good for the country?

    If you expect higher taxes in the future either through higher marginal rates or higher social security withholdings it may be more beneficial to pay taxes now than pay taxes in the future. In effect if you contribute funds in excess of your match to your 401k you are not paying taxes now in...
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    Presidential Candidate Thread: Is Ron Paul good for the country?

    As far as I can tell Ron Paul is the best choice for the country. That is not to say he is the choice the country will choose. Lets discuss Investment planning based on the 2008 presidential election first: Hillary will win. What does this mean? 1) Capital gains tax rises to...