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  1. B

    IAC Lease Negotiation

    Nice work. When I renewed my IAC lease a couple of months ago, they dropped my rent just under $200 a month without me having to do any negotiating, which was nice. One thing that can make it easier to negotiate rental rates for IAC apartments is that you can easily find out what price ranges...
  2. B

    Case Schiller Index for Costa Mesa

    Ah, cool. Thanks, SoCal. Guess I should have learned after figuring out the Bookmarks / email notification feature that it's not that this board is lacking features -- you just need to look a little harder for them.
  3. B

    Case Schiller Index for Costa Mesa

    FreedomCM1, thanks so much for bringing your thread here -- it was one of the ones on IHB I was most going to miss the ability to get notified of updates to. (And now that I've figured out how to use ProBoards' clunky email notification feature, via "Manage Bookmarks", I'm all good.) 1. The...
  4. B

    Is Larry a hypocrite?

    Heh. Perfectly put. LOL! Awesome. Your comments about Shevy's headshot stealing people's souls still crack me up as well. That line always makes me LOL too. You must have enjoyed this sort of bringing of My Little Pony back into mainstream pop culture. That's not what it reads now...