Recent content by lowlyrenter_IHB

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    More talks about a turnaround <blockquote> Case Says California Shows Signs of Housing Turnaround: Audio <a href="">Bloomberg radio interview</a> </blockquote> <blockquote> Shiller Says U.S...
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    Main Blog Discussion: China Grove 8/7/2009 (20 Honey Locust, Columbus Grove)

    Just to draw a similarity between the stock market and the housing market, although a bit inappropriate but gives one an idea about the economy. Glance back to the depression 1929-1933, people thought the recovery in 1929 spring was the recovery from the depression (does it sound similar to the...
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    Need info. on property for rental...

    Hi, A friend of mine is renting a property from a private party and wants to know if the owner is current on the mortgage, HOA. Thanks in advance.
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    Interesting article on "Shadow" inventory. <a href="">"Shadow" inventory lurks over U.S. housing recovery </a>(Reuters) Note: "Shadow" here refers to the pent up supply and not...
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    When do you plan on buying and where in Irvine?

    IMHO Irvine prices reaching $250/sqft levels for a SFR is unlikely, although one can never be sure, if the sh?t hits the fan, we sure can get there. As SoCal pointed out above and if you look at charts on Foreclosure radar etc., there is a lot of NOD activity as well as Trustee sales going...
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    General observation from the front lines about the Irvine housing market...

    In absorbing most of the posts on this forum and the blog the sentiment is "do what suits you and your family needs". Most advice or points made by senior members seem to indicate 1. Prices are going to drop further just based on fundamentals (income ratio, unemployment, shadow...
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    A guy on house arrest at the Village IAC Apts

    Couple of years ago a prostitution ring was busted at Villa Coronado, <a href=""></a>. Comment in the article from one resident <blockquote> "Resident Meghann Quirante said the men did not...
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    Do you live in or want to live in Irvine?

    I live in Irvine and would love to stay here, but median housing has to come down about 4x of median income to be affordable. Wife moved from West LA and loves it here, would not want to raise a family any where else.
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    Costa Mesa...good location gone wrong!

    I agree partially with both hs_teacher and graphix. I've a couple of close friends who are teachers, and they tend to say the following: "Parents who take an active interest in their kids' education directly and indirectly contribute to the success of a school" E.g. 1. Parents' who...
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    Where do you work?

    Work in HB live in Irvine.
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    Quality of life in Irvine vs. Tustin Ranch

    Someone I know bought the same floor plan exactly a year ago May 2008 for 720K, was recently appraised at 670K couple of months ago. Although it did not have any upgrades, I do not think that should make such a BIG difference.