Recent content by kayochan_IHB

  1. K

    Calling IAC Renters - help me renegotiate

    Just got my renewal notice. Although my neighbors who renewed a few months ago got their rent down by $200+, our rent is going to be the same. Month to month option brings the rent up by another $300(!)
  2. K

    Poll: New WB home collection

    Great idea. Zovall, can we add that option? Thank you in advance :)
  3. K

    Poll: New WB home collection

    Thank you!!!
  4. K

    Poll: New WB home collection

    I had 3 more options under the poll (50%, more than 50% but less than 100%, and 100%), but they disappeared when I submitted the poll. How do I fix it?
  5. K

    Poll: New WB home collection

    If you were to buy a new home in WB, how much down payment would you put down?
  6. K

    2010 Woodbury/WB East New Home Collection

    I like some of the homes in the new WB collection, but the prices seem to be still high. Even if one purchased the less expensive homes, you are talking about $4500+ a month in mortgage for a little over 2000 sqft house. For example, a purchase of a high $600k house plus any upgrades will...
  7. K

    H1N1 vaccine

    Just stood in line for nearly 4+ hours to get the H1N1 vaccine today in LA.
  8. K

    Woodbury - La Casella

    Heard from a friend that visited the Villa Rosa at Woodbury that they are tentatively planning to sell these for 500K-700k's. Since the largest of the plans (close to 2500 sqft condo) were recently being listed for the mid 700k's (don't know if they actually sold), maybe that's where they are...
  9. K

    OC Restaurant Week (9/13 - 9/19)

    Cool! I missed the last one so was hoping for a repeat. Thanxing for posting this :)
  10. K

    Children's Museum

    It is not a local museum but the museum of miniatures across from the la brea tar pit in LA is very cool.
  11. K

    Need restaurant recommendation for laguna with ocean view

    Claes Restaurant at Hotel Laguna.
  12. K

    An Open Invitation to The Irvine Company

    I agree with SoCal. I would buy a BK approved home at Woodbury as soon as it was built.
  13. K

    Woodbury East Opening July 11, 2009

    Just drove to WBE to see if I could take a quick look at the models. No parking (cars either waiting around for an open spot or just driving around where they can ... tight with cars parked on both side of the street). Decided wasn't worth waiting for an open parking spot...also figured that...
  14. K

    Interesting phone call from our leasing office

    Doesn't make sense to ask tenants with families not to let their kids go outside to play. I thought that Irvine sells itself as being "family" friendly and great for kids. This is kinda reminds me of a kids xmas tv show they play every year, not the rudolph one but the one about...
  15. K

    New Homes coming to Woodbury in 2010

    I have been curious as to what the price range is going to be for the new WB homes that will start selling in 2010. Figured that whatever Woodbury East will be selling for in July '09 would indicate where IC plans to go for their other properties selling in the near future. The IC site...