Recent content by irvinelurker

  1. I

    Where to put older house gear

    Hyloft ceiling storage.  It's out of the way but still relatively accessible. 
  2. I

    COVID-19 Vaccine Questions

    I am with SGIP on taking matters into your own hands - I'm tired of "virtual" anything at this point including their waitlist!  I had the most luck with Walmart and Albertsons.  Their appointment sites were also easiest to navigate, find availablity, IMO. Found an appointment for early next...
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    Stock picks

    Blue horseshoe loves gamestop  ;D
  4. I

    Irvine looks to unplug from SCE

    Same.  Spending more on water than gasoline these days  ???
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    The Mad, Mad World of Niche Sports Among Ivy League?Obsessed Parents

    This quote from the article is a pretty good encapsultation of youth sports today (especially club/travel teams) IMO:  "She and her husband feel hoodwinked by the directors of her son?s club-lacrosse program, which happily stoked her fantasies while stockpiling her money: $10,000 a year for 11...
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    Not really a fan of the face shield but kinda hoping these "selfie" masks catch on.
  7. I

    What car wash products do you use?

    Classic Dad joke  ;D
  8. I

    House used for growing marijuana

    Can you access/audit the electric bills for the property? That might offer a clue. Had a friend with a rental and when their tenant moved out they had to resolve an extremely large electric bill.  Turns out the tenant was using it as a grow house with lots of lights, other "farming" equipment...
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    2021 Ford Bronco World Premier

    I am interested... but only in a White one.  I hear they are great in a slow speed chase.  :-)
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    Coronavirus Recession

    I wonder if Chuck E. Cheese makes it through.  Somehow that awful place has survived for decades but it's nicknamed "Chuck E. Sneeze" for a reason.  I am sure parents of preschoolers won't shed a tear if it doesn't. 
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    Costco check?

    I found Bounty select-a-size at Costco on El Camino earlier this week.  I felt like I won the lottery!  8)
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    I am sure this was photographed with a special lens making the crowd seem much bigger and packed together.  ;D
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    I feel like Newsom's California beach closure plan will fail spectacularly.  At the least, there will be more protests in coastal cities (without social distancing) and I expect many others to practice civil disobedience and go sit on the beach this weekend daring authorities to do something. ...
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    2020 High School Rankings

    Beckman and 92602 FTW!
  15. I

    New iPhone SE (iPhone SE2?)

    Good timing indeed.  Saw a review earlier today that pointed out that the return of Touch ID on the SE is timely as the COVID-19 avoiding, mask-wearing masses will now have trouble with Face ID. 