Recent content by irvinehusky

  1. irvinehusky

    Looks like Amazon's 2nd headquarter in Atlanta is starting to become REAL.

    Yes, it sure was.  Probably 99.999%.  They will probably continue to add smaller hubs here and there at the other finalist (and other cities that bid on this nonsense) cities that promised to give many breaks.  They're still expanding in Seattle as well.  Hope Amazon doesn't buy out the Seattle...
  2. irvinehusky

    Taking care of your greatest Asset: Your Physical Health

    Hello Panda, I didn't have a chance to thank you before for this thread.  Thank you!!! At one point you had a spreadsheet showing your weight loss and that was so similar to my previous weight loss.  I have a few decades on you so it's harder for me but same height, etc.  That was when I was...
  3. irvinehusky

    Moving to Irvine in a week, need help with schools

    Another thing to consider is that Plaza Vista is a year round school so they have a short summer break but lots of 3 week breaks in-between.  It's good for taking vacations when other schools aren't so it's good for vacationing at Yosemite, etc.  Some people like this scheduling and others hate...
  4. irvinehusky

    The Disappearing American Grad Student

    That's funny, I used to read similar articles going to college in the late 70s, early 80s.  Sadly, nothing has changed in 40 years. 
  5. irvinehusky

    HALLOWEEN events!!!

    I really think it had to do a "little bit" with the Dodgers playing in the WS and the parents wanting to watch the game.  :P  My kids told me that almost every house they went to, the occupants were watching the game. Yeah, I've been getting less and less each year.  But this year I think I got...
  6. irvinehusky

    Men pay $350/ 30 min. just to talk

    Hello SoCal, Just some fatherly advice from an old guy.  Don't do it.  It just isn't worth it. 
  7. irvinehusky

    Irvine Crime Wave

    Johns Creek #4!!!  Wait, 4 is not good right?  :P
  8. irvinehusky

    Redfin Mortgage

    New Redfin business...
  9. irvinehusky

    Coyote on school campus

    I've run into that coyote a few times the past few weeks.  My kids said they saw it when they walked to school and at school like RandomG mentioned.  I tried to get a closer look the other day but it kept running away.  The one I have seen is a young coyote. 
  10. irvinehusky

    Hell Yeah... this is WHY you buy a BMW...

    And, maybe ride sharing services? Well, maybe in the distant future, 99.999%'ers like me might be able to ride in a least for a few minutes.  Let's see, $0.49/minute x 15 minutes equals...
  11. irvinehusky

    Macro Economics and Personal Finance

    I would think for the majority of people, this person's advice regarding the 401K is very bad advice.  Not all of us are going to build five companies to fund us for retirement.  What if he failed in those businesses, what will he have then for retirement?  Social Security?  Ha. "Why would I go...
  12. irvinehusky

    New to Irvine schools

    I just remembered my wife mentioning that when my daughters go to high school, she would put my son who is 2 years behind into the regular middle school around here just so that we don't have different holiday schedules.  I would feel bad for my son to have to pull him away but I would assume a...
  13. irvinehusky

    New to Irvine schools

    Yes, I have two girls so I had the same concerns.  And, since 6th grader are in middle school, I was worried about them being bullied by the 7th and 8th graders.  But so far so good.  6th graders are like sub-middle schoolers here.  They do keep them apart well.  Lunch and dismissal times are...
  14. irvinehusky

    New to Irvine schools

    Regarding the lunch question, at this school, I don't think you can eat with your kids every day.  I'm sure it involves security issues. They do have "family lunch" days where you are invited to bring lunch and eat with your kids.  There's also some lunch trucks that come by on that day.  But...
  15. irvinehusky

    New to Irvine schools

    At my kids' year-round K-8 school, PE is twice a week for my 7th graders.  Yes, 6th grade is middle school here.  It is nice that the kids can walk to the same school until they get to high school.  However, more than a handful of my kids' classmates transferred to a "regular" middle school when...