Recent content by frank69m

  1. F

    My opinion: Voting by mail is a joke

    By the way Libtard.... I was giving my opinion...I guess if you don't like it like the typical loser you really are, you try to push others down... Go to your this really Tammy Kim..... Don't like others opinions...and this has nothing to do with trump...just giving my opinion...
  2. F

    Presidential Elections

    What about Joe screaming and wanting to do push ups at a town hall?
  3. F

    Trump vs Latinos

    All latinos are scared... We already know you are a leftist hack... I know many latinos that aren' make assumptions here.  And why be scared if you have nothing to hide
  4. F

    My opinion: Voting by mail is a joke

    Just got my ballot...what a joke.....Does anyone really believe they do the signature verification on something signed outside an envelope where anyone can see.. If so, how would they check on the millions of people sending it in...They don't check signatures. Also, how do they know you don't...
  5. F

    Farrah Khan vs. Christina Shea

    Agran? Well that alone scares me. Irvine is actually one of the best run cities in the USA. and one of the few cities that have a money surplus...A big one compared to the number of people that live here. We need to keep it that way. A lot of these so called Democratic progressives come in...
  6. F

    Farrah Khan vs. Christina Shea

    Does anyone have more detail on Farrah Khan. I glanced at some articles online and it doesn't say much about her true party affiliation and her stance. I just hope she isn't the "progressive" candidate similar to some of our fine congresswomen who are advocating for huge change in the country.
  7. F

    Just another reason to vote out Democrats: Taxes

    proof is in the pudding... California is a state in HIGH debt.  NYC has high debt... Democrat run?
  8. F

    Just another reason to vote out Democrats: Taxes
  9. F

    Where is katie porter during this pandemic

    You still never answered the question... Katy porter has done what this whole  year. You only stated one thing? It's crickets now.. stop deflecting.
  10. F

    Where is katie porter during this pandemic

    I would say 80% were before the pandemic
  11. F

    Where is katie porter during this pandemic

    By the way, this topic was about Katie Porter... I still hear crickets on what she has done during the last couple of months.  I guess hiding and the taxpayers pay for her salary. What a great deal.
  12. F

    Where is katie porter during this pandemic

    I guess you are ok with a person who doesn't even know where he is and who he is....
  13. F

    Where is katie porter during this pandemic

    If you believe in that, then how dumb are you? ask yourself that mr. take is so literally.  And, if demorats are so concerned about everything, how come they haven't opened a house intelligence against the origins of the virus? huh?  Too busy drinking koolaid?
  14. F

    Where is katie porter during this pandemic

    Uh that was 2 months ago?  How about something recent.  And where can I get a test if that?s the case?