Recent content by cyc_tr_IHB

  1. C

    Anyone notice the dummied up picture on this QH home?

    I can picture the realtor going on the computer like the little asian girl in the Microsoft commercial. Takes the picture, plugs in her camera to the computer, tries to post-process the picture and comes up with this weird toned poorly faked crap which she then uploads to the listing. If...
  2. C

    New Employment Opportunity

    I just drove to downtown LA from downtown HB today--leaving at 8:30, I was there by 9:30. Glendale would have been another 20 mins probably, so it really depends on your hours. I do agree it'd just be easier to live out there.
  3. C

    Admission to UCLA and Berkeley

    I applied and was accepted to both Cal and UCLA right before prop 209 was enforced. I know of approximately 8 other classmates who got into both UCLA and Cal, 2 got UCLA but no Cal--none vice versa. So I was under the impression that it was more difficult to get into Cal than UCLA (at least at...
  4. C

    Option One shuts down lending arm

    CM_Dude, sorry to hear about your friends. I know that OOMC has/had a very great culture and people. Keep in mind that my experience is solely on the origination side. I remember when I first started, I attended a multi-day orientation that focused on company culture, morale, etc. Don't get...
  5. C

    Option One shuts down lending arm

    This is indeed sad--I used to work for H&R Block Mortgage (basically Option One), and there were many 'no good' loan pushers, but there were also decent people as well. Here's my observation of where people have gone since the time I left the industry a few years back: 1. People with...