Boston Overhauls Admissions to Exclusive Exam Schools


Under the new admissions system, to become eligible for an exam school invitation, students must have at least a GPA equivalent of a B. Those students will receive a composite score based on an admissions test and their grades.

All invitations will then go out through straight rank within eight socioeconomic tiers, a plan opposed by some parent groups that wanted a 20% set-aside of the best applicants regardless of socioeconomic status.

There is no special tier for children in the Boston Housing Authority or in the care of the Department of Children and Families as was once discussed, but such students gain extra points with a high poverty indicator

My reading comprehension needs work, but that first paragraph isn?t congruent with the third, unless you are using a duplicity to obscure that extra points are added to the raw exam score based on socio-economic factors within those geographically grouped socio economic ?tiers?.