Sign the Petition to Stop Spraying Irvine With Toxic Pesticides!


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Did you know that Irvine?s parks, athletic fields, sidewalks, trails and greenbelts are frequently sprayed with toxic pesticides? These pesticides have been shown to lower IQ, cause cancer, damage developing reproductive organs and cause other significant harm.

In March, the World Health Organization declared that glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp, probably causes cancer in humans. Despite this grave warning, the City of Irvine, Irvine Company Apartment Community and HOA landscaping companies continue to spray RoundUp in the places where our children play sports such as soccer and baseball, roll in the grass, and do all the other things kids like to do.

The American Academy of Pediatrics says that there is no safe level of pesticide exposure for children. Pesticides are toxic chemicals - poisons created to kill. They are dangerous for all living things, including adults and pregnant women, and are particularly dangerous for a child?s developing organ systems.

Why are our children being subjected to these risks? For cosmetic landscaping purposes, i.e. to kill weeds. Dandelions do not pose a risk to children, but 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid does. 2,4-D is one of the key ingredients in Agent Orange, and is another one of many pesticides frequently used for cosmetic landscaping in Irvine. This includes the sports fields, parks, and common areas where children play. This needs to stop.

You and your family can still be affected if chemicals are not sprayed on your street. Pesticides have been shown to drift for miles and persist in indoor carpet fibers for a year after they are tracked inside. The U.S. Geological Survey found that, ?After they are applied, many pesticides volatilize into the lower atmosphere, a process that can continue for days, weeks, or months after the application, depending on the compound. In addition, pesticides can become airborne attached to wind-blown dust.?

In clay soils like ours, the half-life of glyphosate can be as long as 22 years.

Also alarming, the interactions between the many chemicals being sprayed near our homes and in our parks are unknown. According to David Bellinger, professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, ?Impacts from multiple chemicals may simply add up, amplify one another's effects.?

By allowing children to be exposed to toxins or chemicals of unknown toxicity, we are unwittingly using our children in a massive experiment.

This issue affects every person and pet in Irvine.

We are asking Irvine?s City Council, School Board, Irvine Company Apartment Community and HOA landscaping company leaders to immediately stop the use of all toxic pesticides and switch to proven organic methods that are cost comparable and require 30% less water.

Harvard University has successfully switched to a non-toxic landscaping alternative. Cities across the U.S. are banning the use of toxic pesticides, and we would like to see Irvine join in this endeavor.

Irvine Unified School District will soon begin piloting an organic turf maintenance program at Plaza Vista Elementary in Westpark with the help of nonprofit Beyond Pesticides. It is our hope that an organic maintenance system will be expanded to all Irvine campuses and properties.

Please sign this petition to tell the leaders of these organizations that you want them to stop using toxic pesticides at our parks, schools and public spaces and implement only organic practices. For more information, please visit our website ?
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What is the unintended consequence if this petition passes?  More dandelions on the lawn?
zubs said:
What is the unintended consequence if this petition passes?  More dandelions on the lawn?

I'm assuming you mean if those petitioned adopt the proposal to stop using toxic pesticides?

The petition says pesticide, the example they use is Roundup,  a herbicide. I'm guessing they really mean toxic products, or maybe anything non organic (although I'm not a fan of covering public areas in a layer of organic cow manure annually as an effective fertilizer).

Effect overall depends on how much you believe the claim of cost comparable, 30% less water and proven effective.

All the said Glyphosate is a rather pernicious chemical to be pouring around, IMHO.

I stand corrected, I see pesticide is used as the general term covering virtually all the -cides.
