Vampire Squid


Well-known member
I was reading Zero Hedge forums, and enjoyed this guys writing. Here I copy/paste w/o his permission.


Some of you know this, most of you are too stupid to realize it, a small fraction don't give a [excrement].

But the fact of the matter is, America is all about deals with the devil.

You play this game in the "market" which is not a market what so ever. You take the other side of the trades with the oligarchs like Goldman and Morgan and you willingly enable them. You throw your capital into uso bidding up the the price of oil futures even though you have no ability or intention to take delivery of a real product. You would gladly add your weight to soaring wheat prices if the momentum favored you making a buck even though it meant a million other humans would go hungry because they could no longer afford bread.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. You are personally and directly responsible for a system that is restoring and empowering the ruling class, a ruling class no different than the monarchies that have dominated human history.

America was once the only island in the world where the lines between class were blurred. It once was a place where real opportunity existed and where the average man could succeed and rise above the state of serfdom and poverty that most of his brothers have lived in for all of human time. It is no more and you are to blame.

In 1800 you could have opened a general merchant store and made a good living for you and your family. Your wife could have stayed home and raised your children. You could have been an independent craftsman or a tradesman or a freakin fisherman or farmer. You could, by your efforts, have enriched yourself and your family and your community. But since everyone has sold their soul to the work "for" best buy or walmart or toll brothers or conagra or anyone of a hundred mega corporations that take your freedom and keep you submissive to the oligarchs and bankers. You get by but your wife has to work, you pay day care for your kids, you have to rely on "credit" and debt to own a house or car or things. They keep you contented while they take out their competition and grow fatter.

Trillions of debt burden put on you and the generations that will follow you so that bankers can pursue their mission statement....lend as much as possible to as many as possible for as long as possible at as high an interest rate as possible. You have enabled this by doing business with Citi or Morgan or Bank of America. You enabled this by shopping at malls and best buy and walmart. You enabled this by playing in the casino under the lie that you are an "investor" You are not, you are a gambler and an enabler playing pick pocket with others of the same kind. Your participation here does nothing, creates nothing, builds nothing, adds nothing. It is a meaningless mindless collection of thieves all trying to out steal eachother under the guise of creating wealth. Well, wealth comes from creation of things not the manipulation of money. That gold you're hoarding...ever think about the abject poverty of the people in the amazon who work as slaves mining it for you? When the rice riots start again like last year, will you be buying commodities on the big rally?

Wonder why Obama has all the same horses and all the same men as Bush had? Because presidents are bought not elected just like congressmen...that is how ruling classes operate. They have the money to get the power and the power to get the money. And you enable it if only by your passive participation. There are no markets only gaming houses. You swap anything and everything regardless of consequence. Buying defense stocks like Cramer recommends? They will get a boost as 30k more saps and slaves go off to fight the empires war at the frontier. Any different than Rome? Only thing different is we have ultimate fighting on pay per view where they had gladiators in the coliseum. Funny ..they didn't charge to see men fight eachother it was free for view.

This post taken from here:

He has other posts there, but he is a bit repetitive. I think BK would agree with him.