any way to block posts from specific user?

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New member
I searched around but could not find a way to do this. Perhaps it does not exist. There is a specific user whose posts I do not wish to see. It would be amazing if I could put that user on a "block list" so their useless posts are invisible to me.
Works like a charm. Nice not having to sift through the same tired flaming posts often shared from some members. I'm sure I'm blocked by a few as well. That's OK by me as my view may not be one shared by others. One can always click on a post to see if anything of value is there, but rare has been the case from a blocked user.

My .02c
Unfortunately the ignore list tends to make a bigger mess than the verbose posters, IMHO.  Works okay for a infrequent poster or someone harassing you but for some of our more prolific, it leaves entry after entry of "You are ignoring this user. Show me the post." 

It also does not address the visibility in the Recent Posts frame which also will be over run by certain conversations of certain members.

Many news sites use a gate limiting to one post per topic in so many minutes.  JIMHO, that would be useful.

That's just me, I find looking at a blocked message more tedious than laughing at the ad nauseum repeat.