Search results

  1. Crispy3

    School morning breakfasts

    one word.. quesadilla put some cheese and some ham/bacon or left over meat in... fast and easy. kids love em and they are easy to eat in the car.
  2. Crispy3

    Transitional Kindergarten - TUSD English Language Mainstream (ELM)

    I am in the same boat as you. I messed up and put english as a second language at home for my daughter. She scored a level 1 so she will be placed in a SEI program (Structured English Immersion). She just started TK @ Peters Canyon on Tuesday and I am on the fence about bumping her up to ELM...
  3. Crispy3

    ESL Ghettos

    I screwed this up already... daughter starting TK and on the application I put Chinese as the language that we speak at home... I just got a call from the school asking for her to come in for a test. Any recourse?
  4. Crispy3

    After school programs

    I actually got a tour setup for creator's corner next week. It's got a wait list as well..
  5. Crispy3

    After school programs

    I wouldn't mind her being at public school if it was longer than 3 and a half hours. I don't understand why IUSD and TUSD still have not converted the TK and K program to full days. I am sure the public school teachers are great, I have a couple as a neighbors. But CDC is a different story. We...
  6. Crispy3

    After school programs

    I agree.. It is what I have been trying to explain to my wife, expensive doesn't always mean the best. I have a few tours setup for the next couple of weeks hopefully we'll find something that is the right fit.
  7. Crispy3

    After school programs

    I would love to have a Mary Poppins at home.. but I think since my daughter is having behavior issues, it would be good for her to be involved and socialize with other kids. A classroom environment would probably be best for her to grow in. I am considering regular preschools with out the...
  8. Crispy3

    After school programs

    It is tough going from a 6 hr schedule to a 3 hr schedule... not to mention a 10:1 teacher:kid ratio to a 20-30:1 $1500 is bullshit indeed.. and I did move to irvine for the school district. But you can't even get in anytime you want for $1500 a month. I just called 3 different Montessori...
  9. Crispy3

    After school programs

    I am seriously considering to have her attend another year of Montessori instead... I can't seem to find anything that fits well. Northwood Montessori just told her her spot is no longer avail and I doubt Le Port kept her spot... the search begins again...
  10. Crispy3

    After school programs

    Thing is we also have a 2 year old boy.. so it is tough to drive one of them around unless the other one is in some class for a couple of hours at a time.
  11. Crispy3


    that is the answer...
  12. Crispy3

    After school programs

    Hi Guys, My daughter is starting TK this fall @ Peters Canyon (moving from LePort Montessori OH). I am trying to find some after school programs for her as the CDC at Peters Canyon doesn't look too appealing to me. Anyone have any suggestions? Wife doesn't mind driving her around for multiple...
  13. Crispy3


    I am all in on oil.. specifically SDRL. built up a decent position with an avg of $14. also Jan '16 and '17 $20 calls I think oil has bottomed.
  14. Crispy3


    USC you sell VIX calls right? catch this yesterday?
  15. Crispy3

    Corona.. Time to dip in?

    just found this bs : Basically states that rental properties needs to have a business registration and is subject to annual inspection which the owner needs to pay out of pocket...
  16. Crispy3

    Corona.. Time to dip in?

    I would say it increased 30% since the bottom.. but it also dropped 50% before hitting bottom. The $/sqft still seems like a great deal. As far as jobs.. I would say it's close enough to Chino/Walnut and that area where lots of Chinese ppl do business. Also since this is a spec play on FCBs, I...
  17. Crispy3

    Corona.. Time to dip in?

    Ahh. there you go... I haven't done much research.. will probably head out there in a few weeks to take a look at the neighborhood.. last time I was out there the entire place smelled like cow dung.
  18. Crispy3

    Corona.. Time to dip in?

    Both really.. slowly but surly.. once the Chino Hills area become too crowded FCB will goto Eastvale in full force.. at least that my guess. for those that can read Chinese...
  19. Crispy3

    Corona.. Time to dip in?

    I have a investment property that just went into escrow a couple of days ago (in San Gabriel). It is a condo and I didn't think it is going to appreciate anymore so I decided to sell it.. I figure I'd use the newly freed up $ and find something with more potential.. I'm choosing...
  20. Crispy3

    Corona.. Time to dip in?

    flat or slightly positive... it's really about appreciation rather than cash flow