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  1. S

    Trading Apple

    from 360 to 460 in under a quarter. not a bad move  :D what a absolute blow out quarter.
  2. S

    Trading Apple

    I actually re-established my short legs today. Had a nice run from 370ish when I covered the short legs.
  3. S

    Trading Apple

    nice run through today...albeit low volume. Hopefully this is beginning of pre-earnings run!
  4. S

    Trying to buy in Irvine is NO Fun 705k
  5. S

    Average Income in Irvine

    lol. so does that mean you get a 5 to 12 inch discount from your Asian?  :P
  6. S

    If not Obama... who?

    yea, it takes a VP who is crazy too.
  7. S

    Average Income in Irvine

    again, this is clearly an asian trait. I think that grass is greener thing was in chapter 13 of Analects of Confucius.
  8. S

    Average Income in Irvine

    Based on your statement, can we assume your wife is the same way because she lives in Irvine and is Asian? Live south of 405? More successful. Has niece who was two out of 3423890480 from random school who went to IVY? More fulfillment. Clearly wanting more and showing it off is exclusively...
  9. S

    principal forgiveness (moral hazard)

    good question. Maybe it has been tried and we just don't know about it but in apparently in Cleveland, there are no bidders and after eviction, the houses get stripped and ruined further almost immediately.
  10. S

    principal forgiveness (moral hazard)

    completely agree in principal (no pun intended). But if the current owners had the know how and credit/financing/capital available, wouldn't they just go to court house and buy it at auction for 10 cents on the dollar vs. a principal reduction of 50%? Is the "net net" difference the damaged...
  11. S


    How much premium are you paying for the 1 month delta? (I just checked and there is a huge bid ask 1.05 to 1.4.) Is this right? Given that the vix is in contango right now, what happens if it goes into backwardation? I thought this happened in the summer when Vix popped over 40...
  12. S


    so the only downside risk is that vix continues to fall and you lose the net debit that you get from selling Jan and buying Feb right? Seems like a smart play given that europe isn't going anywhere. that 30 level seems like a good spot.
  13. S


    But if the Jan Vix explodes and expires in the money, can you liquidate your Feb Vix at that time to lock in gains? Because otherwise, Vix could fall between Jan opex and Feb opex right?
  14. S

    Average Income in Irvine

    Look man, if you want to show your appreciation to your mom by buying something for her that she will appreciate that you wouldn't even buy for yourself, then good for you [and your understanding wife.] But don't make assumptions about other people you don't know jack about... Don't go telling...
  15. S

    Average Income in Irvine

    What part did I make up? Based on this poll? You didn't know how much you and your wife made before the poll? So since people who make less do stupid things like buy bags they can't afford, you are justified or less stupid perhaps? Great reasoning. It isn't whether or not you can afford it...
  16. S


    I heard the term structure for Vix has April or May still at 30 or something so seems like a smart bet. But why Jan? You think we will stay this low on Vix through January expiration?
  17. S

    Average Income in Irvine

    roflmao. which is it? I am a Korean girl or Mr. so_scurred? You wonder how I could have money to bid on an investment flip on antioch and my family should ask for their money back or I live in IAC apartment? You keep adding that I have kids? What difference does it make? Because if I had kids...
  18. S

    Average Income in Irvine

    man, you can't make this stuff up. so you go back for a edit to "clean up your original" condescending post and you come with that you respect people if they CAN afford to buy but are renting to wait? hahahaha.
  19. S

    Average Income in Irvine

    because somehow if i can't afford LV or live in an IAC apartment or if I have a husband, you win? Your true colors are showing...
  20. S

    Average Income in Irvine you are proud of buying bags you admit you can't afford for your mommy because she hurt your feelings when she threw the LV bag from your first pay check in the closet? No wonder family feels like a insurance transaction to you.