Search results

  1. D

    Assessment Scores Rank IUSD Highest in County

    The overall score for Uni was negatively affected by a disgruntled Uni teacher. Long story short, Uni teachers were told that there would be no standardized testing that year, so when this new test was brought up last minute a certain teacher instructed her students to opt out of taking the...
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    Gilding the college-bound

    Hmmmmm.... Did this student even apply to Harvard? It says in the article that she prefers a small liberal arts college. Also not every senior student reports where they attend college in the fall.  So TI members shouldn't rely on the facebook college decisions group or even the document posted...
  3. D

    would you take your kids (middle or high school) out of school for vacation?

    Take Thanksgiving week off. I'm sure your kids won't be the only ones taking vacation that week.  Teachers will be anticipating that and will be assigning light work that week.
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    Turtle Rock flip asking double original purchase price

    I think the seller should have paid for professional staging to make the place really pop.  Currently it looks very bare with standard flip material.  It definitely needs to impress more with that type of price tag.
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    Is there a big difference in education quality?

    Hmmm my guess is that Beckman is similar to Irvine and Woodbridge? I know that Beckman, Irvine and Woodbridge all do much better than Northwood/Uni with sports.
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    Is there a big difference in education quality?

    GPA: The academic rigor is stronger at Northwood/Uni.  Some students thrive in this type of competitive environment and some cannot handle it.  One perk is that you may not have to intervene with your child's academic performance because the pressure to succeed will be coming from their peers...
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    my daughter doesn't want 16th birthday party

    Did you move to Irvine recently? Did your daughter enjoy birthday parties in the past? Some people really don't like being the center of attention and that is exactly how one feels at a birthday celebration.  My husband does not like birthday parties and prefers to just spend time with his wifey...
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    What do you look for when searching a house?

    It seems like you prefer A. I prefer A as well.  8)
  9. D

    Is there a big difference in education quality?

    API scores should not be a huge factor when comparing IUSD schools.  The state wide goal is 800 and all IUSD schools score way over this target goal. API scores were originally established to keep an eye on California's lower performing schools and to make sure these schools were showing annual...