Search results

  1. tulip_IHB

    price per sq footage

    What price is consider "affordable" per square footage? $ 200 in OC? or $ 250? We saw HGTV show and houses in Newman, George was going for $ 75 per sq foot. $ 75???!!!!!!!!
  2. tulip_IHB

    Cheap Dim Sum

    Inside Thuan Phat supermarket on Brookhurst and Westminster, there is a place where you can buy dim sum to go for really cheap. Most items is $ 1. The most expensive items was $ 1.39.
  3. tulip_IHB

    Australian dollars?

    Recently the Australia dollars are dropping against the USD. Does anybody know why? I know it is all related to our meltdown, but how? We are planning our trip to Australia, so it is good news for us, since their dollars are dropping like hot cake...but do you anticipate it will drop some more...
  4. tulip_IHB


    Hello, Is there a website where I can check what is our inflation rate currently in the US? I was wonder how do they measure inflation...since some of these news article stated SE Asia has inflation rate of 25%. Here is goes...this is a stupid questions, but I want to ask anyway....if...
  5. tulip_IHB

    Cruise from San Diego

    Hi, Thinking of taking the cruise from San Diego....we lived in HB, after reading review from cruisecritcs....still haven't a clue where to park the car. Most of the cruisers are out of state so they buy one of those package, hotel, park and transfer....we don't want to do htat, since it is...
  6. tulip_IHB

    wild river in Irvine

    Is this park still open for the summer?
  7. tulip_IHB

    Washington DC

    We are planning a trip to Washington DC area for the summer. Which airport would you recommend, since there are so many airport close by the area. Baltimore or Washington Dulles?
  8. tulip_IHB

    hotel recommendation in OC?

    Are there any hotel that is like apartment living in Huntington Beach and Westminster area? Like 2 or 3 bedrooms with kitchen that you can stay more than 10 days?
  9. tulip_IHB

    how do you report price gouging?

    Where do I report price goungin in California? Went to the Asian grocery store and the price of a bag of rice double in 3 days. Extra $ 20 is not going to hurt us, but there are a lot of older folks that are on fixed income and $ 20 extra is a lot for them. A bag of 50 lbs of rice usually...
  10. tulip_IHB

    Which bank have the best interest rate now?

    My CD with BofA is going to mature, and I want to move my money to somewhere that have a higher yield. Any recommendation? No, I will not invest in a communist country or tiger beers, because I don't want my money going to someone else bank account when they feel like it. Thanks
  11. tulip_IHB

    California law on working hours

    Can someone shed some light on this issue? An employee has a 12 hours work day, it starts 4am to 4pm. According the to the company HR, you have to take a 1/2 lunch every 5 1/2 hour shift, so that mean if you started at 4am, you have to take a lunch arond 9:30am. From 9:30 to 4pm, you can...
  12. tulip_IHB

    Transportation to LAX airport from OC area

    Any recomendation? And how much does it cost for RT transfer?
  13. tulip_IHB

    Can we make two offers at once ?

    Can we legally make two offers on two separate houses with two separate agent?
  14. tulip_IHB

    basement in California house?

    How come there are no basement in California's homes like they have in the midwest and other part of US?
  15. tulip_IHB

    price per sq ft?

    What would be a normal price per sq ft in 2008 if there was no bubble without consider the the owner upgrade in OC area like Irvine, FV, Westminster and Huntington Beach?
  16. tulip_IHB

    Is this legal?

    My agent submitted an offered to the listing agent. It is a REO. My agent called to confirmed they recieved the offer via fax, and it was confirmed. My agent go a call back from the listing agent asking is this the best offer? Since they have 4 other offers. Blah blah questions is...
  17. tulip_IHB

    This is what my realtor told me- is it true?

    We want to make an offer on a house....I was told by my realtor, that once the offer is accepted, and we decided to back out for no reason...we can do it within 17 days without losing our deposit. Is this true? We have 17 days for due deligence without any cause to back out of the offer.
  18. tulip_IHB

    Questions for Lending maestro

    What is going on with the lending industry? According to my loan officer....if I buy any REO property, it is required a 15% down that true? Another loan officer told me I can finance with 10% down, and no PMI. No second loan either. I just want a old fashion loan 30 years...
  19. tulip_IHB

    Are we ever going to afford a house in OC?

    Please give me some encouragement with this housing market. Every SFH we see in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach and Westminster that is decent looking with the price tag of $ 499K are going like hot cake. Is the market really that hot? Actually, there is nothing in Fountain Valley listed for...
  20. tulip_IHB

    questions for Caliguy

    I was looking into the lists of foreclosure you posted. When the court recorded the NOS, it also the list the min bid. Is this the price the bank willing to sell? I see the min bid is more than the selling price? At this point, what would happen next? Does it goes into auction or does it...