Recent content by qwerty_IHB

  1. qwerty_IHB

    The Big Goodbye thread

    thanks to everyone for all of your knowledge, definitely learned a lot - hope to you you guys on the new site.
  2. qwerty_IHB

    Dubai going down in flames

    im sure our govt will deem dubai to big to fail and will follow up shortly with a bailout package courtesy of the US taxpayer then the dow will rally 500 points in a day after investors continue to believe that the US wont let anything or anyone fail, well unless you make over 250k a year, the...
  3. qwerty_IHB

    Judge Cancels Mortgage

    Is it legal for a judge to modify a mortgage, i thought that was not possible, even through a BK. Or was this changed in one of those "help bottom feeders stay in their homes" bills congress and the administration has passed? If not in one of those bills my guess is that this will be challenged...
  4. qwerty_IHB

    A frosting lover?s dream at Baby Cakes Bakery

    we love baby cakes - we get cupcakes every couple of weeks from there. the red velvet ones are my favorite.
  5. qwerty_IHB

    What do you do on the weekend?

    i dont have kids, so not sure what the point of scheduling naps is? Are they supposed to benefit the baby/toddler? Is seems to dictate all of your schedule. Cant he just sleep when he is tired? wouldnt he just fall asleep at some point?
  6. qwerty_IHB

    A gripe about defaulted homedebtors.

    anyone can turn anyone in to the IRS.
  7. qwerty_IHB

    Cash in Pocket

    i normally carry between $100 and $200 - you never know when you might need some quick access to cash. I normally have $10-$20 in the car as well as backup.
  8. qwerty_IHB

    2010 Woodbury/WB East New Home Collection

    You guys have to remember we have seen about 20% price drops and this is with historically low interest rates, I think it's reasonable to assume that there will be further price drops when interest rates go up (that is the only place for them to go). Just hold out as long as you can. Good luck.
  9. qwerty_IHB

    Thank you IAC Brittany for 2.5 great years!

    Yes it is. I signed our leases with Brittany when we wre there and dealt with Scott when we terminated our lease early