Recent content by Pedego Irvine

  1. P

    Great Park Development

    County lawyers.....sounds like more time and a lot more money, hence my frustration.  From the outside looking in - from my personal perspective - I must say it's quite easy to conclude that the emphasis surrounding the OCGP is more about politics and less about public...
  2. P

    Great Park Development

    I'm not suggesting that people shouldn't be held responsible for their actions.  I guess what I am saying is that the state of the Great Park (Great Sporting Complex, is what I like to refer to it as) is dynamic, certainly well beyond decisions and actions of one person.  I haven't been...
  3. P

    Great Park Development

    I'm really frustrated by the time and money we continue to waste (my opinion) on what should otherwise be an amazing project.  Numerous decisions (right, wrong or indifferent) and circumstances - some completely out of our control - led us to the position we're in today.  However, at this point...
  4. P


    Yup.  There already are some bike trails there and - eventually - there will be many more.  Come see me when you're ready to buy a bike; we are the number 1 dealer in So Cal for Pedego Electric bikes and also offer (not in stock, but take about one day to get) a full line of KHS bikes (non...
  5. P


    Wow, with all the bike trails/lanes here in Irvine, she chose the freeway?  :o Get this woman into my shop; we need to chat.
  6. P

    NO Rumor- Irvine Company to tear down Woodbridge Village Center

    According to the Irvine Company (last I heard, at least), nothing has been decided relative to the center.  I know that the community really wants to see the center rejuvenated, which would be great.  I've heard from numerous Woodbridge residents that they are working together to develop a...
  7. P

    Bike and Wine

    Hello SoCal- Regarding kids bikes, unfortunately California law states that you're required to be at least 16-years-old to ride electric bikes.  Having said that, we have trailers, tandems and tag-alongs, which pretty much cover the full range for those under 16.  As for a weight limit, we...
  8. P

    Bike and Wine

    Irvinehomeshopper- Are you speaking in code? The OP had to do with a bike ride and wine sharing event.  Something tells me you've already had enough wine  :) Back on topic.... For those of you interested in some pedal and pub fun, let me know if you'd like to be added to our email list.
  9. P

    Car drives into North Lake, Irvine

    LOL - I'm still not happy about The Irvine Company and the Owners of Waters not being able to reach a deal; that was a cool place. Regarding the knuckleheads that drove into the north lake, can you imaging seeing that (especially the dude that got out and ran).  That had to look funny.  Good...
  10. P


    Been traveling on the 405 pretty much since it was built (albeit, much less these days) and I have no idea where you're going with this.
  11. P

    Bike and Wine

    Hmmm....I have no idea what you're saying....
  12. P


    nosuchreality- Seriously?  Just when I think I've reached the pinnacle of being blown-away by people's stupidity, arrogance, ignorance, belligerence and sense of entitlement, I'm once again taken to a new level.  Thanks God the good significantly outweigh the bad.
  13. P

    Bike and Wine

    Hey Resort Backyards- We're doing a "fun" ride tomorrow evening (Friday) followed by beverage of choice (or two) in our VIP lounge.  Come if you can make it.  The beverage after will be like a wine/beer share event.  Bring your favorite beverage and your willingness to have fun.  We're meeting...
  14. P

    Retail Openings and Closures

    I've seen exactly one of those in the Woodbridge area; I'm guessing that would have been you. :)
  15. P

    Bike and Wine

    Well, we do have cup holders for the bikes :)