Free iPads w/ covers for TUSD students


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TUSD Connect's new technology is funded by Measure S, the bond voters passed in November to give students $135 million. Classes for kindergarten through fourth-grade will share carts of Apple iPads or iPad Minis, while grades five to 12 will each get their own iPads or Lenovo tablets.

Measure S-related upgrades ? to the tune of $15 million ? include new projectors and interactive whiteboards, as well as more wireless access points and better network infrastructure to handle the influx of devices.


The Tustin Unified School District recently approved the purchase of $807,975 worth of Clamcase Pro cases from D&D Security Resources Inc.

Spend all the public's tax money on teacher salaries and pensions so you have nothing left for school supplies, then go grovelling back to the tax payer for more money with Measure S.  Brilliant plan.  Glad I don't live someplace where my neighbors are so gullible.

this thing costs anyone in the TUSD $19 per $100,000 of assessed property value. as it the fucking mello roos wasnt enough.
nosuchreality said:
test said:
Spend all the public's tax money on teacher salaries and pensions so you have nothing left for school supplies, then go grovelling back to the tax payer for more money with Measure S.  Brilliant plan.  Glad I don't live someplace where my neighbors are so gullible.

Don't worry, they're stratagizing how to stick you next November based on Tustin's Measure S success.

damn, apparently what tustin does irvine does better. Tustin residents are paying $19 per 100K of home value. Irvine wants to get $60 per 100K of home value. or the flip side is irvine residents are dumb enough to pay three times as much.